How did the actors in your selected case study (choose 1 of the 5 battles provided (located in Blackboard)) exercise or fail to exercise the principles of mission command

Assignment Instructions: Write an essay, using critical and creative thinking to answer the following:

How did the actors in your selected case study (choose 1 of the 5 battles provided (located in Blackboard)) exercise or fail to exercise the principles of mission command, the elements of command and control, and command and control warfighting function as outlined in ADP 6-0, 2019, Mission command: Command and control of Army forces.

•1000 to 2000 words in length, not counting the title page or reference page(s).
•You must use the American Psychological Association (APA) seventh edition style.
•A minimum of four Level 1 headings are required.
•The material for this paper should be derived from the assigned readings, class discussion, outside research and the selected case study.
•The five sections highlighted below are required in the assignment. The following format allows you to organize your thoughts in a logical sequence while promoting clarity.
•The department chair will determine the due dates and post them on the training calendar.
Structure of the Paper

1. Title Page – Standard SMC format.
2. Introduction – This section is where you will present the thesis of the essay and show the main points that you will be presenting in the body of the paper.
3. Body of the Paper – This section should be a well-organized based on research, facts, logic, and your ideas about the application of the principles of mission command, the elements of command and control, and command and control as a warfighting function. The section should flow from point to point with transitions between points.
4. Conclusion – This section should simply summarize your paper by restating your thesis statement, and main points.

5. References – You must use proper citations and references to identify borrowed material and avoid plagiarism. To meet the standard a minimum of ADP 6-0, the case study selected, and one additional credible reference must be effectively cited, referenced and integrated into your paper

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