Political Sciences-Present an outline (bullet points or brief narrative) demonstrating that you are on a path to success in your Change Proposal.

1. Present an outline (bullet points or brief narrative) demonstrating that you are on a path to success in your Change Proposal. The Azimuth Check describes how you intend to meet the information requirements for the appropriate portions of the F108A Change Proposal. Answering these questions (attached) will assist the instructor in scoping your research and writing. Answer each of the below with no more than 2-4 concise sentences to allow instructors a quick turn with feedback so you can continue work and make adjustments as needed.

The Azimuth Check covers sections 1-6 of the F108A Change Proposal (the issue, possible approaches, recommend approaches, DOTMLPF-P impacts, operational concept, and concept of change).

2. Please do not use first person and this is not an argumentative essay. You are applying your capability gap to the processes you learned (not simply regurgitating today’s processes but applying those processes to analyze your gap). Also, assume your audience understands the shift to Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) and Large-Scale Combat Operations (LSCO). Limit/ avoid any broad, general operational environment discussions unless absolutely necessary. 3. Ensure you understand the difference between a requirement and a gap. Stating what the Army needs to be able to do is a requirement.

The capability gap must specifically state exactly what it is the Army cannot do. Do not be vague or generalized with the capability gap. 4. Please use the exact format for the azimuth check. The font will be Arial 12 and use page numbers as required by ST 22-2.

Please answer the questions asked. You must address materiel and organizational change in this paper to meet the requirements of the course as stated in the Azimuth Check. The materiel (not material) solution must be a Big “M” solution (i.e., a materiel solution that requires development through DAS).

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