Module 1, Chapter 1



Each module will include a discussion board where I will post prompts related to module content. You do not need to interact in every Discussion Board converations, but encourage you to post there pretty regularly and respond to classmates’ posts as these discussions serve as one mechanism for me to gauge your understanding of course content, and they can also help us all gain a sense of community in our online environment. Weekly contributions are not required, but they are listed in the assignments list every week to serve as a reminder. You are expected to write your own thoughtful response and also review classmates’ posts and respond to at least one for full credit (individual posts are worth 3 of the 5 points, reactions are worth 2 of the 5 points each time). These reactions to classmates should contribute to the conversation and not simply be brief “I agree” statements. Whoever posts first will need to go back later to review others’ comments and add a response!
Please remember, we will sometimes discuss topics that might be controversial to some and/or you might have different views from others. It’s okay to point out when your opinion differs, but do so in a courteous manner! There will be no tolerance of inconsiderate or disrespectful responses. Everyone should feel welcome to contribute honestly and respectfully to discussions and participate in activities. No one will be expected to participate outside of their comfort zone.
10 posts @ 5 points each for a total of 50 points possible during the corresponding module week.

Note that because these accumulate across the semester,  will not enter grades for this category until you have submitted at least 10 posts. This is why the due date is listed as Thursday, May 8. As you complete these assignments across the semester, we will contact you if we deduct points so you know how to improve on future posts and have a chance at full credit for this portion of the final grade.
keep track of each student’s engagement in a separate file, so please reach out to me if you have questions about your grade or how many discussion posts you have completed. As students reach the minimum of 10 posts needed, I will reach out regarding points assigned at that point.


Please post by 11:59 pm on Thursday, January 23
Chapter 1 highlights a wide range of ways families are becoming increasingly diverse and how society affects many aspects of family life. Some argue the family changes we are witnessing are cause for concern and signal family decline. Others, however, contend families are simply changing in response to social changes.
What do YOU think? Are American families “declining” or “changing”?
In your response, tie in specific terms, concepts, and/or facts from the readings to support your argument. Remember to paraphrase, or define/explain the information in your own words instead of quoting/copying from the readings or other sources. Please include page numbers where information was located. And try to think of a real-life example that helps supports your views – try to use your own family or someone close to you.
Remember to tie your reaction back to classmates’ responses – point out similarities or differences or why you agree or disagree, but remember to be courteous and respectful!
IMPORTANT: These don’t need to be lengthy responses – aim for clear and concise, but be complete!
For each Discussion post in the course, you are expected to write your own original response AND respond to at least one other student’s response. Remember to engage more deeply than simply saying ” agree” when reacting to others’ posts.
Note: The first person who posts will need to check back later and add a comment to at least one other student’s post.


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