The Health Promotion Brochure is a tool that can be used to educate the public on an area of health promotion. You may choose a body system for your health promotion topic. For example, if you choose the skin, hair, and nails system, you could choose to do your health promotion brochure to educate the public on skin cancer: what it is, how to recognize it, risk factors, and what to do if it is suspected.
The brochure must be 1-2 pages and must inform the population on the topic and include at least two facts on health promotion related to the topic. The brochure should also contain at least one local community resource.
Original work is expected. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. See syllabus regarding policies on academic honesty and plagiarism.
Sources used for brochure must be included in brochure and the sources must be listed in APA format.
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