Compare and contrast different methods of assessment discussed by Briere & Scott and Levers, (Chapter 26) or other approaches that you are familiar with, identifying strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and benefits for treatment, with appropriate references throughout.

In 400 words discuss the nature and role of assessment in trauma counseling. Compare and contrast different methods of assessment discussed by Briere & Scott and Levers, (Chapter 26) or other approaches that you are familiar with, identifying strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and benefits for treatment, with appropriate references throughout.

Support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals as well as applicable course texts using current APA Professional format.

A scholarly approach to biblical integration must be included in all original posts, with relevance clarified for an APA, scholarly audience. References for this portion of the discussion should include Christian counseling scholarship, biblical scholarship, or other religious or faith-based sources.

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