Write a 5-page paper reflecting on what you observed and learned. Include at least five academic articles to support your observations and ideas.

Visit a Classroom: Go to a classroom with ELLs and observe how the teacher uses different teaching methods to help the students learn better.
Identify Differentiated Practices: Find three different teaching strategies the teacher uses to support ELL students in learning English and literacy skills. Think about how these methods help or do not help the students.
Evaluate the Strategies:

Decide if you think each strategy was effective or not.
If you think a strategy didn’t work well, explain what you would do differently and why.

Consider how these strategies impacted the student’s ability to learn and succeed.

Plan Your Own Teaching Approach:
Imagine you are the teacher. How would you teach vocabulary to ELL students in a way that’s different from what you observed?
Think of creative and engaging ways to help all students understand and use new words.
Design a Differentiated Program: Think about how you would create a program for ELL students that includes both help for students who are struggling (remediation) and activities for those who are doing well (enrichment).

Collect Information:

Learn about the students’ backgrounds: their age, gender, how long they’ve been in the country, and what languages they speak.
Observe the classroom to see what supports the ELL students have, such as technology or materials in their home language.
Interview Teachers and Students:
Talk to a teacher who teaches ELLs and ask how they support these students and what methods work best.
Interview an ELL student to understand their experience learning English. Ask them what helps them learn and what challenges they face.
Write Your Reflection Paper:
Write a 5-page paper reflecting on what you observed and learned.
Include at least five academic articles to support your observations and ideas.

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