What is your potential research question (How does the frequency of social media use impact levels of anxiety and depression among students?

Sampling Assignment #5–Consider the potential research topic for your research proposal and respond to the following four (4) questions. You are required to type each question with your response.

(1) What is your potential research question (How does the frequency of social media use impact levels of anxiety and depression among students?) and hypothesis (Students with social media use exceeding three hours a day will have heightened symptoms of anxiety and depression compared to those with social media use below an hour a day.) (should be (9) or more sentences)?

(2) Write a brief summary that identifies the target population for your research study, and highlight the target population. (should be (9) or more sentences).

(3) Which type of sampling might you use based on the population of interest (explain, should be (6) or more sentences?) highlight the type of sampling.
(4) Consider whether you realistically have access to this population and sample (explain, should be (6) or more sentences).
ive included my previous assignments for reference as this assignment is supposed to be a building block to those. also make sure to attach the article and highlight the link, and also cite any and everything that supposed to be cited.
Note: Type each question as given in its entirety. There is no assignment sheet with this assignment in Canvas. You will type your responses on paper as a Microsoft Word Document ONLY. Worth 15 points

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