What are the contributing factors? Give specific examples of the impact it has had on the US government. What can be done to decrease polarization and to increase bipartisanship?

Hyper-partisanship and political polarization are increasing in the United States, leading to more political divides and less compromise. This, in turn, leads to the US government becoming less effective due to more disagreement and less willingness to work together towards common goals. Research and describe the phenomena. What are the contributing factors? Give specific examples … Read more

Explain how did covid 19 impacted on housing crises around the world it has to be a 10 pages including the title page please use 3-4 article from google scholar only pre reviewed are allowed.

how did covid 19 impacted on housing crises around the world it has to be a 10 pages including the title page please use 3-4 article from google scholar only pre reviewed are allowed. in this paper you are NOT allowed to write your own thoughts. you can only paraphrase and quote lines. how ever … Read more

In less than 250 words, discuss how academic integrity in the classroom relates to professional accountability in nursing practice. How will you ensure academic integrity in your work?

In less than 250 words, discuss how academic integrity in the classroom relates to professional accountability in nursing practice. How will you ensure academic integrity in your work? Submit your “Certificate of Completion” and response document to the assignment dropbox. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing … Read more

Using this week’s lesson and article by DeVany as a start, locate three research studies that deal with the management of people with their individual differences and diverse personalities.

Using this week’s lesson and article by DeVany as a start, locate three research studies that deal with the management of people with their individual differences and diverse personalities. Use online, peer-reviewed journal research (case study research is preferred) to inform your writing. Summarize the takeaways from the articles that can support greater skill in … Read more

What type of cultural information will you want to learn about Mr. Kim?

As a nurse, how do you complete a head-to-toe assessment on a patient admitted to a med-surg floor? Provide as much detailed information as possible (CO2, CO4, CO5, CO6). What are the major risk factors related to hospitalization? What general and focused admitting assessments are indicated given Mr. Kim’s history? What ongoing assessments will you … Read more

Global Governance-what extent have Western conceptualizations of ‘development’ moved away from a neoliberal doctrine?

To what extent have Western conceptualizations of ‘development’ moved away from a neoliberal doctrine? Numerous essay examples will be given indicating how many sources and as to the structure of the essay will be uploaded. the use of subheadings was encouraged, and around 15 or so academic sources. the main and most important sources exist … Read more

Business Question-explain the reasons for the success of this crowdfunding project.

Based on “Group500 Case2” file, continue to explore deeper, collect relevant financial data, and explore whether the company used the crowdfunding funds for other investments, such as Initial Public Offering (IPO), Venture Capital(VC), and so on. Finally, explain the reasons for the success of this crowdfunding project. The first zip file is all the lecture … Read more

Find a video about one of the topics provided. Write up a discussion post following the instructions.

Find a video about one of the following three general topics: -Speech anxiety -Delivery of a speech -Persuasion Once you have found the video, addess the following in your discussion post. -Title *(the general topic you selected) -Summary *(Begin by introducing your video. Next share the main points. Finally identify the takeways) -Helpful to others … Read more

Describe how your selected technology impacts daily work for people in your chosen professional field.

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Evaluate new technologies in areas of educational or professional interest Scenario You work for Trexpedition, an online travel and hospitality booking service that provides booking for travel around the world. As an organization that provides online booking to thousands of customers travelling … Read more