In this paper, creators will analyze dreams through the dream theories of Freud, Jung, and Lacan. Students are encouraged to consult with their instructors regarding the appropriateness of the chosen media source.

The final paper should be 8-10 pages in length and requires an analysis of dreams in media (novels/films/TV series, etc.). In this paper, creators will analyze dreams through the dream theories of Freud, Jung, and Lacan. Students are encouraged to consult with their instructors regarding the appropriateness of the chosen media source. Please note that … Read more

 Selecting a topic relevant to criminal justice or criminology that they would like to research further.

Selecting a topic relevant to criminal justice or criminology that they would like to research further. Part 1 of the assignment is a literature review, in which students are to identify, digest, summarize, and reference key literature relevant to their topic; this is submitted as an annotated bibliography. Part 1 should made use of 8-10 … Read more

Chapter 14 and Case Study section – The Culture of Journalism and A Guide to Identifying Fake News

This is the Final Project for this course. The Final Project Writing Assignment is a 2 page (minimum) essay, 5 multiple choice questions and answers, and 2 YouTube Video links. Reminder: All written work must comply with Standard English rules, such as proper capitalization, grammar and spelling. APA format. Assignment #1 Guidelines Find two YouTube … Read more

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Negotiation and Human Behavior Processes Assignment Overview Understanding the negotiation process and negotiation strategies are critical managerial skills, as part of the methods of conflict resolution. Based on the assigned background readings, this Case allows you to articulate your understanding of negotiation process and strategy, as well as the human behavioral factors that can affect … Read more

Explain how you would use organizational development to face challenges at companies with high turn over rates such as Fast-food restaurants, call centers, and retail stores.

Explain how you would use organizational development to face challenges at companies with high turnover rates, such as Fast-food restaurants, call centers, and retail stores. Companies with high turnover rates are mostly those in the service industry paying low wages and offering limited benefits.APA format, 3-4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference … Read more

Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Secretions-What are the therapeutic actions for drugs used to decrease acid content (H2 receptor antagonists, antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and prostaglandins)?

A nursing student is preparing an in-service presentation for the staff nurses on the unit where the clinical rotation is done. The in-service is being presented on medications that affect gastrointestinal (GI) secretions. Disorders related to GI secretions are among the most common complaints seen in clinical practice. a. What are the current theories about … Read more

In this Stage 4 assignment, you will explain how the selected system meets MTC’s requirements, and what needs to be done to implement the system within MTC.

As the business analyst in the CIO’s department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), your next task in working towards an IT solution to improve the hiring process at MTC is to write a justification and implementation plan for a system that the CIO has decided will meet MTC’s needs. The system, EZ-ATS, is described in … Read more

Good research, recommendations, and plans for dissemination are critical to evidence-based practice (EBP).

Good research, recommendations, and plans for dissemination are critical to evidence-based practice (EBP). Scientific integrity requires sharing the information with the larger nursing audience, which often occurs in the form of a poster. Poster presentations can occur in person or virtually. They are common at conferences, but can occur in other settings as well. It … Read more

Health and Medicine-How mental health status correlates with the level of engagement and participation in occupational activities is the topic. Resources from where to base the topic will be given.

This research should include a title page, proper grammar and correct spelling, numbered pages with running head, and reference page. Please refer to American Psychological Association (APA) manual for instructions on how to create a proper title page, body, and reference page. The introduction should clearly establish the focus and purpose of your literature review. … Read more