Business and Economics-Describe why other forecasting analytics may not be good options.

CO5: Design a plan for capacity management, production planning, and scheduling CO8: Compose the results of operations and case studies effectively in writing the results of operations analysis and case studies Prompt: According to the assigned case study, Best Homes is a new home construction company with headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. They construct only residential homes throughout the U.S. and only new homes. Having started on the East coast in 1945 they expanded to the Midwest and ultimately to the West coast and the South.

They build all types of residential new homes from low-end prices to the high-end of the market. Analyze the case study and answer the following questions:

1. What forecasting analytics should the company consider?

Describe why other forecasting analytics may not be good options.

2. Based on past demand (Exhibit 1), use the classical decomposition method to forecast average demand for the upcoming year, by month.

3. The second step in Best Homes’ forecasting process is to collect sales projections from each of its regions.

What types of data should they collect from the sales force? How should they integrate sales data with your answer in question 2?

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