Describe how you will apply the following principles in your future role as an advanced practice nurse.

Define what person-centered care means to you. Describe how you will apply the following principles in your future role as an advanced practice nurse. holistic nursing cultural humility self-reflection DeNisco, S. M. (2021). Advanced practice nursing (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning Chapter 24: Cultural Sensitivity and Global Health Chapter 28: Strategic Career Planning: Professional … Read more

What did the feedback in these quizzes teach you? What are areas of strength in your current leadership style? What are areas of growth you see in your leadership style?

What’s your style? In this module, you will be assessing your leadership style and also having a colleague or peer assess your leadership style. You can either find a leadership style assessment that you prefer or select from one of the following: Foundation Of Nursing Leadership Next, (if possible) have a co-worker complete the same … Read more

Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation

The purpose of this assignment is to complete a review of a screening tool utilized by nurse practitioners in maintaining individual, family, or community health. Your presentation should: 1. Identify and select a screening tool 2. Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice. 3. Provide … Read more

Explain how your smartwatch company would customize digital marketing strategies to engage decision-makers in businesses interested in smartwatch purchases.

Submit a 2-page paper and brochure or flyer in which you describe the marketing channels for your smartwatch company in the wearable industry. Your paper needs to be in APA format and include a title page and a reference list. Smartwatch Company Marketing Channels (Title Page + 2 Pages + Reference Page + Brochure/Flyer Page) … Read more

Describe two research studies that used your theory as a foundation. Describe how each study used the theory.

Continue with the theory you chose last week. Describe two research studies that used your theory as a foundation. Describe how each study used the theory. How were the concepts operationalized? When concepts are operationalized, they are turned from an abstract form to something measurable. Submission Details In your discussion question response, provide a substantive … Read more

Select an individual you have not yet used from the Cast of Characters media piece and identify 2–3 goals you might recommend. Justify your choices and explain how these goals are different from goals they may have had as a child.

The discussion have to be free of plagiarism and dont use AI because both can be track. Select an individual you have not yet used from the Cast of Characters media piece and identify 2–3 goals you might recommend. Justify your choices and explain how these goals are different from goals they may have had … Read more

Describe the educational, professional, and social struggles facing your chosen population.

Advocating for clients is something that every mental health counselor should be familiar with; however, there may be times when counselors do not properly advocate for their clients. This may happen for a number of reasons, but it is important to be aware of different advocacy processes so you can better assist your clients. Imagine … Read more

What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner for prescribing this medication to this patient on your case study presentation?

FOLIC ACID For this week you will present a voiceover Powerpoint presentation (with the video on) on your drug of choice. You are to be dressed in office attire. The purpose of the presentation is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected. The presentation must include information about the: Drug … Read more

Compare and contrast-Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling: Compare and Contrast (And my personal response/reflection on it)Utilizing all 5 sources under REQUIRED TEXTS, compare and contrast Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling by highlighting similar and unique features or characteristics.

Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling: Compare and Contrast (And my personal response/reflection on it)Utilizing all 5 sources under REQUIRED TEXTS, compare and contrast Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling by highlighting similar and unique features or characteristics. Your essay must be, at least, 2 pages in length (discussion only NOT counting your Reference/Works Cited Section), 12 … Read more