Read and respond to Josephine Akarue and Mamadou Bhoye Diallo and provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved.

Read and respond to Josephine Akarue and Mamadou Bhoye Diallo and provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. Josephine Akarue: Clinical Issue of Interest For my clinical research, I’m looking at the treatment of hypertension, which is an extremely common and expensive disorder that occurs in millions of people around the … Read more

How effective are different swallowing assessment tools (clinical versus instrumental) in predicting aspiration risk in stroke patients?

Research question: How effective are different swallowing assessment tools (clinical versus instrumental) in predicting aspiration risk in stroke patients?   Subheadings required: Background: Purpose/aim: Research question: Literature review and theoretical foundation: Proposed Methods: Design Setting Sample Data collection instrument Data collection procedure Proposed analysis.  

Patient Responsibility

Though some of what the speaker talks about in the TedTalk below is slightly different, as France has a different payer system than we do, the premise of her idea is transferable. As patients what responsibilities do we have to containing and controlling the cost of our healthcare and the usage of it? With the … Read more

What were the primary tenets and concepts of the movement? Why were these tenets and concepts important?

Understanding the theoretical foundations, influential theorists, and timeline of the three major movements of psychology is essential to having a fundamental knowledge of the discipline. Psychoanalysis; behaviorism; and humanistic, transpersonal, and existential psychology (HTE) are recognized as the three primary movements of psychology. As such, they provide a rich history of human science and form … Read more

What economic advice would you give Mr. Forbes to avoid difficulties in similar situations?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Review Chapter 10 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice. Review Special Topic 5 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice (pages 441 to 448). Review Chapters 1, 3, and 6 of Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It. For this assignment, you will upload … Read more

What is your outcome and how are you using it. (categorically or continuously)?

  This assignment acts as a draft to both your defense presentation and manuscript. You are to record a 15-20 minute oral presentation using your slides. Submit the presentation slides, written project, and the link to your recorded presentation. Below is some more information about the slides and project. Presentation Slides Your slides should consist … Read more

Choice that relate to your practice dissertation topic (how autism presents in adolescent girl’s vs boys.

Locate and review two articles of your choice that relate to your practice dissertation topic (how autism presents in adolescent girl’s vs boys. Create a 250-word paragraph for each article. For each paragraph, identify the type of article, summarize its limitations, design, and key findings, and cite it properly in APA style. Review guidelines about … Read more