Contract Law W2 Assignment-Factual Background- What is this case all about in one or two paragraphs?

Case briefs are used to highlight the key information contained within a case for use within the legal community as court cases can be quite lengthy. For this assignment, you will write a formal legal brief on either Thompson v. Clark, 142 S. Ct. 1332 (2022) or Gonzalez v. Google LLC, 598 U.S.__ (2023). Alternatively, you may submit a case brief on another recent tort-related case issued by the United States Supreme Court or state Supreme Court decision dealing with a tort law issue addressed in our reading materials. If you opt to brief a case other than the Thompson or Gonzalez cases. please provide me with a copy of the case before the submission of your case brief.

Proper Bluebook citation of the case (only one citation)

Factual Background- What is this case all about in one or two paragraphs?

Procedural History of the case – What happened in the lower court(s) and how did the matter get to the Supreme Court?
Issues Presented – What legal issue(s) did the Supreme Court address?
Holding- What rule(s) did the Court establish in this case?

Legal Analysis or Reasoning – Why did the Court decide how it did?
Decision-What did the Court do, i.e., reverse or affirm the lower court’s decision?


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