Create a formal lesson plan for a pre-reading or reading unit within early childhood education.

You will create a formal lesson plan for a pre-reading or reading unit within early childhood education. This assignment can be a lesson plan you intend to teach during your formal internship. You may choose the topic and reading level from either:

Grades 1–3
Your one-hour lesson plan should focus on children’s literature’s chosen theme or genre. You will need to demonstrate, via the lesson plan, activities demonstrating how the children’s book(s) you have selected support, reinforce, and extend your lesson topic. Please note the classroom engagement and presentation strategies you will utilize with the books.

Additionally, please indicate if you will use a basal reading or literature-based approach for this lesson plan; this will depend on your selected books. A list of theme and genre suggestions Download theme and genre suggestionsis available for your reference. You will need to use the FSCJ Lesson Plan Template Download FSCJ Lesson Plan Templateto complete this assignment. Here is a FSCJ Lesson Plan sample with Guided Instructions.

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