Describe how each theory has adapted to and remained relevant to modern-day nursing

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to compare nursing theorists.


Complete the module learning activities.
Create a compare and contrast table including the following theorists:
Hidegard Peplau
Betty Neuman
Myra Estrin Levine
Dorothea Orem
The table should include:
Name of each theorist & era each theorist practiced
Name of each theory
A brief, concise overview of each theory

Describe how each theory has adapted to and remained relevant to modern-day nursing
Provide your personal opinion of the pros/cons of each theory related to modern-day nursing in your nursing specialty
A reference page with 2 professional references, at a minimum, in APA 7th edition format. These should be current within 5 years from evidence-based practice and peer-reviewed nursing journals.
Table format/tips
Utilize the title “Theorist compare and contrast table” for the paper with a title page.

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