Describe the iterative search process by explaining what terms were used in what database to identify germane scholarship.

I need help pulling each of these sections together complete based on the attached prospectus. All the information is already on the form. It all has to align for each section.

Chapter 2

Restate the problem and the purpose.
Provide a concise synopsis of the current literature that establishes the relevance of the problem.
Preview major sections of the chapter.
1 -3 paragraphs
Literature Search Strategy
List accessed library databases and search engines used.
List key search terms and combinations of search terms (with more detailed search terms located in an appendix if appropriate).
Describe the iterative search process by explaining what terms were used in what database to identify germane scholarship.
In cases where there is little current research, and few (if any) dissertations and/or conference proceedings, describe how this was handled.
(1/2 – 1 page)
Theoretical Foundation
Name the theory or theories.
Provide origin or source of the theory.
Describe major theoretical propositions, including delineation of any assumptions appropriate to the application of the theory.
Provide a literature and research-based analysis of how the theory has been applied previously in ways similar to the current study.
Provide the rationale for the choice of this theory.
Describe how and why the selected theory relates to the present study and how the research questions relate to, challenge, or build upon existing theory.
1 – 2 pages (or more)
Conceptual Framework
(This applies to qualitative and some epidemiological studies (as well as some other quantitative studies)
Identify and define the concept/phenomenon that grounds the study.
Describe concisely the conceptual framework (for qualitative studies, the contextual lens; for quantitative studies, description of the body of research that supports the need for the study) as derived from the literature with more detailed analysis in Chapter 2
State the logical connections among key elements of the framework with a reference to a more thorough explanation in Chapter 2.
State how the framework relates to the study approach and key research questions as well as instrument development (e.g., interview questions, follow up questions, artifacts etc.) and data analysis where appropriate.
1 – 2 pages (or more)
Literature Review Related to Key Concepts
Describe studies related to the constructs of interest and chosen methodology and methods that are consistent with the scope of the study.
Describe ways researchers in the discipline have approached the problem and the strengths and weakness inherent in their approaches.
Justify from the literature the rationale for selection of the variables or concepts.
Review and synthesize studies related to the key concepts and/or phenomena under investigation to produce a description of what is known about them, what is controversial, and what remains to be studied.
Review and synthesize studies related to the research
NOTE: – a substantive review is about 20 pages with a 100 references. This is somewhat flexible based on what is available in the research literature.
Summary and Conclusions
Concisely summarize major themes in the literature.
Summarize what is known as well as what is not known in the discipline related to the topic of study.
Describe how the present study fills at least one of the gaps in the literature and will extend knowledge in the discipline.
Provide transitional material to connect the gap in the literature to the methods described in Chapter 3.

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