Evaluate the causal statements using the 13 threats to internal validity

Internal validity (IV) is associated with the cause and effect statements researchers make. IV is the main aspect of the methods researchers use in a study.

Internal Validity is concerned about making cause and effect claims based on the research design of a study. Hopefully, the design will eliminate revival hypotheses. Intimately related to the amount of experimental control: (1) Random selection of participants, (2) Random assignment to groups – control and experimental, (3) Manipulation and measurement of variables, and (4) Timing of measurements.

There are three main types of design research. They are: (1) One-shot pretest/posttest designs, (2) non-equal groups, and (3) equal groups designs. Remember that non-equal and equal groups are different based on random selection. Researchers specify which participants are in the treatment and control (no treatment) groups in non-equal designs. Random selection is used in equal designs.
For this discussion board, post in 250 words the following steps as they apply to Surrendering to God’s Providence article.

Step 1: Identify the causal statements
To determine the threats to internal validity, one must discern the causal statements made
Identify the research design that is used to control for alternative explanations
Step 2: Identify researchers’ methods of ruling out alternative explanations
Step 3: Evaluate the causal statements using the 13 threats to internal validity
History: any event that may effect the participants and offer alternative explanations for the differences between groups
Maturation: The effects of normal developmental processes that impact the differences observed between pre and posttests
Testing: Increases or improvements in scores due to familiarity with test, Recall of previous items, Only an issue when giving both a pre and posttest

Instrumentation: The scoring of the measures used may change systematically, The use of error of measurement, All instruments are vulnerable to this threat
Statistical regression: Often called regression toward the mean, Outliers often regress toward the mean over the course of observations, Major issues concern critical cutoff scores, i.e. using the clinical level of the DAS to determine level of dysfunction and amount of therapeutic improvement

Attrition or mortality: This occurs when participants drop out of the study, This may introduce systematic biases in the remaining participants
Interaction with selection: Participating in the study may interact synergistically with the other threats to internal validity
Ambiguity regarding direction of causal influence
Diffusion or imitation of treatments: This occurs when treatment effects are spread inadvertently to the control group, This removes group differences even when there may be significant differences
Compensatory equalization of treatments: Participants in the control group are provided extra services as a result of their placement in the control group

Compensatory rivalry by control group participants: Occurs when members of the control group try to “beat” the members of the treatment group
Post in 250 words your evaluation of the article, ” Surrendering to God’s Providence ” which is attached below. Post 50 word responses to at least two classmates. Worth 80 points. Students need to cite course texts in post. Please post word count at the end of the post.
Addressing Prompt Content
Weight 25.00%
90.00 to 100.00 %
Contributions reflect exceptional preparation. Ideas offered are always substantive, provide one or more major insights, and spur discussion in new and interesting directions.
80.00 to 89.00 %
Contributions reflect thorough preparation. Ideas offered are usually substantive, provide good insights, and occasionally spur discussion in new direction.
70.00 to 79.00 %
Contributions reflect satisfactory preparation. Ideas offered are sometimes substantive, provide generally useful insights but seldom offer a new direction for the discussion.
60.00 to 69.00 %
This person says very little.
Response to others Content
Weight 25.00%
90.00 to 100.00 %
Interactions with others are well substantiated and persuasively presented. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of course as a whole would be diminished markedly.
80.00 to 89.00 %

Interactions with others are well substantiated and often persuasive. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would be diminished.
70.00 to 79.00 %
Interactions with others are sometimes presented, are reasonably substantiated, and are sometimes persuasive. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would be diminished somewhat.
60.00 to 69.00 %
Responses and peer comments may lack substance. Hence, there is not an adequate basis for evaluation. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would not be changed.
Post Length
Weight 25.00%
90.00 to 100.00 %
Student’s response consists of 250 number of words, and replies to at least 2 others in the discussion board.
80.00 to 89.00 %
Student’s response consists of 225-245 words, and replies to at least 1 others in the discussion board.
70.00 to 79.00 %
Student’s response consists of 200-225 words, and does not reply to others in the discussion board.
60.00 to 69.00 %
Student’s response consists of less than 200 words, and does not reply to others in the discussion board.
Weight 25.00%
90.00 to 100.00 %
Includes citations to Scripture and course readings.
80.00 to 89.00 %
Includes citations to Scripture or course readings.
70.00 to 79.00 %
Does not include citations to Scripture or course readings.
60.00 to 69.00 %
Does not include citations to Scripture and course readings.

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