How would you describe and classify the governance system of the world?

IFM.CH04 Financial Goals and Corporate Governance
HW answers
IFM.CH04 Financial Goals and Corporate Governance
1. How would you describe and classify the governance system of the world?
2. How would you describe and classify the law system of the world?
IFM.CH03 Balance of Payment
1. Web research
Use FRED | St. Louis Fed
Balance of Payments for United States (USABCAGDPBP6) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (
How would you describe the historical changes of US BOP in the past 10 years?
To which countries does the US have largest trade surplus/deficit?
IFM.CH02 International Monetary System
1. How do you describe the current IMS (international monetary system)?
2. Why do countries want their currency to be weaker to the certain extent?
3. How much has the USD index changed in the past 10 years? What is the exchange rate of USD
against, Euro, Chinese Yuan and Japanese Yen in the past 10 years? How much has USD changed over
this period in percentage? How much did Euro, Chinese Yuan and Japanese Yen have changed against
USD over this period in percentage?
4) Find historical USD index and exchange rate from website.
And calculate the changes over 10 years.
Good source of economic data is as follows:
Nominal Broad U.S. Dollar Index (DTWEXBGS) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (
Exchange Rates | FRED | St. Louis Fed (
Download data in excel and do the calculations
IFM Ch. 18 HWQ
1. Textbook Ch 18-Question 12: How is foreign exchange risk sensitivity factored into the capital budgeting
analysis of a foreign project. Discuss the Q in relation to the Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia.
2. What is the single most important feature of FDI?
3 . What are unique features about Multinational Capital Budgeting compared to traditional domestic
capital budgeting?
4. Complexities of Budgeting for a Foreign Project
Managers must keep the possibility of unanticipated foreign exchange rate changes in mind because of
possible (1) direct effects on the HC value of local cash flows, as well as (2) indirect effects on the
competitive position of the foreign subsidiary.
Illustrate and explain CF effects from two channels.


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