In a short paragraph or two, explain what is key to the operations plan and how it will execute the marketing plan. Highlight recommended changes or additions to the current way of doing business, as appropriate.

Operations Plan use the documents added to help with the operations plan:

Now that you have come up with a preliminary marketing plan and sales forecast, you need to look at what it would take for Marylou’s Operatioins to execute this plan and service customers. In addition to considering findings from your secondary and primary research efforts, you should visit/revisit the following data/information located in the “Course Documents” section of Brightspace:

The Marylou’s Coffee Project Statement, which sets the context for ALL of your course deliverables this semester.

ALL of the company background information located in the Marylou’s Coffee Client Background Information folder on Brightspace, which includes:

The Marylou’s Coffee PowerPoint slides AND accompanying ZOOM video recording presented on your first day of class.

All joint section class presentations made throughout the semester, and related video recordings.

Any additional company background information you were provided.

ALL of this preceding information is pertinent to the operational and financial implementation of your marketing plan.

Once again, keep in mind that everything in your Operations, Marketing & Finance Plans is incremental to (i.e., over & above) what Marylou’s Coffee does today.

You must consider how to handle/implement the details of the marketing plan, which includes determining the impact of the preceding operations-related information on it; and vice versa. If you cannot, you may need to go back and make revisions. The operations plan you develop needs to support the marketing plan, and then both the marketing and operations sections must be validated/supported by a detailed financial plan. All of this will create a viable business report covering a 3-year, phased-in plan for Marylou’s Coffee.

Operations Overview

This is a summary of the key points of your Marylou’s Coffee operations plan needed to implement a successful marketing plan (e.g., facilities reconfiguration; process improvement recommendations; staffing/workforce recommendations; training; etc.).

You should also point out any major changes/impacts that the implementation of your Marketing Plan could potentially have on specific and important functional areas of the OPERATIONS SUPPLY CHAIN.

The overview cannot be written until after you have completed the other sections of the operations plan.

In a short paragraph or two, explain what is key to the operations plan and how it will execute the marketing plan. Highlight recommended changes or additions to the current way of doing business, as appropriate.

Operational Implementation of the Marketing Plan: The main body of your operations plan will address ALL of the clearly identified operational tactics needed to achieve the strategies/recommendations suggested in the marketing plan. Keep in mind which customers your tactics are supporting. Strategies can differ by the scope and priority of the client/customer.

Once again, keep in mind that all operations activity should reflect the context of the initial, overarching Project Statement given to you at the beginning of your GB 320 course experience (make sure you revisit it, along with ALL of the other company background information provided and previously referenced on the preceding page).

Operations Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): You should also identify Operations KPIs – the Key Performance Indicators or measures of success (i.e., how you will know that your recommendations are working). All charts and diagrams should be featured in the appendix; BUT you must talk about them in the body of your paper. Examples of KPIs are: customer satisfaction; customer retention; on-time delivery; post-product delivery success measures, etc.

Also keep in mind that sales/service design begins with a business strategy and a sales/service strategy. You will have defined your business strategy in the marketing section. It should clearly articulate who the customers are, the benefits they will be receiving, and the related products that Marylou’s Coffee will provide.

Review results from Assignment 2 (Parts A and B) to identify key purchasing decision factors for the end-consumer/customer. Revisit Assignment #1, as well. The operations plan should outline how Marylou’s Coffee will achieve results conducive to maximizing client/customer satisfaction at an affordable cost. Some key questions to consider are:

What degree of customer contact, pre- and post-sale, is necessary?

How will operations contribute to enhancing the customer experience?

How will operations take the lead in grooming lifelong customers (think renewal/ retention process)?

How will the current selling strategy and/or processes change, if at all?

How does Operations contribute to the key factors of reliability, responsiveness, and effectiveness?

Operations Considerations Specific to the Successful Implementation of the Marketing Plan

Workforce: The availability and stability of your workforce can easily make the difference in whether or not your business is successful over the long term. The cost associated with maintaining your workforce is an important component in determining your operating expenses.

Briefly describe the workforce you will require over the 3-year forecast period and their responsibilities related to operations implementation of your marketing plan and any supplemental operations improvement recommendations that you might make.

If growing the level of sales over your 3-year forecast period will require additional employees, describe when they will be needed, what they will do, and the associated annual costs of wages and benefits. (You may want to create a table, as an exhibit illustrating your workforce over the 3-year forecast period). If no additional employees will be required, say so and explain why.

Equipment/Technology: Marylou’s Coffee relies on certain equipment and/or technology in the creation and delivery of its products. For instance:

What new equipment/technology might be needed to support new recommended product offerings and/or increased product demand?

What new or existing systems and automation might be needed or leveraged to manage/support online social media components relating to execution of the marketing plan?

How would/could Marylou’s existing mobile ordering app be impacted?


The costs associated with the acquisition and maintenance of the equipment/systems required to operate the business is an important component in determining your operating expenses, as well as helping you determine the need for any outside financing.

If creating and/or delivering products or growing the level of current sales over your 3-year forecast period will require new or additional equipment or information systems/technology, determine what will be needed, when it will be needed, and the associated costs to acquire and maintain it. If no additional equipment and/or information systems will be required, say so and explain why.

Physical Facilities/Website: This subsection addresses the physical and/or virtual facilities that you will need to house the workforce and conduct business. The costs associated with maintaining and/or expanding the company’s facilities (if deemed necessary) is an important component in determining your operating expenses, as well as the potential need for future financing.

If more space is required to operationally support the delivery of products/service offerings, when will it be needed and what is the cost to lease/purchase and prepare? Conversely, if space will be eliminated, when will it be eliminated and what is the cost (if any) to close it. If there are no changes to the current facilities, say so and explain why.

If you plan significant changes or upgrades to the Marylou’s Coffee website, briefly describe these changes, when they will occur, and their associated costs to complete, including any on-going maintenance costs. If no website changes/ upgrades will be required, say so and explain why.

Product/Service Development; Sales/Service Delivery: What operational changes (if any) need to be made/implemented and supported/maintained from both a product/service offering development and/or a sales/service delivery (fulfillment) perspective? For instance:

What changes (if any) to service delivery does your team recommend, given the wants/needs of the target market segment(s) that your team has identified?

Are there any new product/service offerings that should be introduced?

Should any existing product/service offerings be targeted towards different demographics?

How would Marylou’s Coffee go about implementing any recommended changes to its project delivery approach?

What process(es) need to change (if any) in the way Marylou’s Coffee goes about delivering or fulfilling customer demand?

Will customer service/support be impacted in any way?

Do any of your recommendations impact product/service development processes in any way, and if so, how? If not, say so and explain why!

Operating Budget (see Financial Section)

Develop a budget necessary to carry out the marketing plan and achieve your sales revenue goals.

Include a brief narrative in this section to explain how you came up with the numbers.

Present both marketing and operational costs by year in your accompanying Financial Excel Spreadsheet, in the Financial section.

Once again, keep in mind that everything in this Operations Section is incremental to (over & above) what Marylou’s Coffee does today. If there are things that can be covered with current labor, assets and processes, you need only comment on them as having been considered and that you feel they are already covered.

Appendix: Organize, label and clearly title exhibits (see page 14, Item #7 for specific details on LABELING, FORMATTING and PRINTING exhibits).

Outline: Use the following outline and headers to format the text portion of your paper.

Operations Overview

Operational Implementation of the Marketing Plan

Operations Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Operations Considerations Specific to the Successful Implementation of the Marketing Plan

Operating Budget (see Financial Section)


Remember to include in your FINANCIAL PLAN all costs associated with both your MARKETING and OPERATIONS PLANS.

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