In a discussion for the week, explain why organizations may require the use of Qualitative and Quantitative Research.

In a discussion for the week, explain why organizations may require the use of Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Find at least 2 scholarly articles that use quantitative research methods in a business situation. Summarize and evaluate the two articles explaining the rationale for using the quantitative research method. The initial posting should consist of no … Read more

Identify significant risks that are not fully mitigated

Background: The Board of Directors for a Regional Health Care Organization has several new business lines and affiliations and has ordered a Targeted Compliance Risk Assessment on the newly acquired activities. Assignment #3: Create a focused summary document to support your Board Presentation by completing the Excel template workbook you started in assignment #2. Your … Read more

Describe the reason why the health issue was selected and why it is important to focus on this health issue. Clinical Impact

You will complete a poster reflecting the concepts of transcultural nursing related to the assessment, reflect on learning, and describe how you will utilize that learning in future nursing practice. You will be teaching classmates about your chosen topic on cultural awareness and competence in Week 7 Discussion. Download the required Week 6: Course Project … Read more

What are some of the things that could go wrong? Why are these important? What are steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks? Identifies impact to competitive advantages and expected competitor responses. Case study is attached

Executive Summary Industry Dynamics (External Analysis) Situation Analysis (Internal Analysis) Solution Criteria Solution Alternatives Evaluation Matrix: This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome. Solution alternatives are evaluated accurately (e.g., in a matrix or pro-con list). Moreover, the winning solution should be clear and obvious! Implementation Overview, Issues, and Competitor Responses: summarizes tactical actions (the … Read more

Develop a post that speaks to the impact of the “micro” area of social work (individual) for the person in the case example of Perry.

In this week you’ll be asked to develop a post that speaks to the impact of the “micro” area of social work (individual) for the person in the case example of Perry. This week’s case example will be the case of the group of children in Chapter 3: Stairway to Heaven. (RESOURCE ATTACHED: THE BODY … Read more

Discuss the role of boundaries in the therapeutic relationship. Using Box 4.5 in your Wheeler text, which item(s) do you feel are the most likely to alert you to the signs of counter-transference. How do you feel this might be a challenge for you?

Discuss the role of boundaries in the therapeutic relationship. Using Box 4.5 in your Wheeler text, which item(s) do you feel are the most likely to alert you to the signs of counter-transference. How do you feel this might be a challenge for you? TABLE 4.5 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS GUIDELINES 1. Professionals are aware of and comply … Read more

Imagine that you have volunteered to run a campaign for a certain area of the brain. You will to argue that without your brain area, homeostasis will collapse by creating either a campaign poster or TV ad.

Imagine that you have volunteered to run a campaign for a certain area of the brain. You will to argue that without your brain area, homeostasis will collapse by creating either a campaign poster or TV ad. Whichever option you choose, include the following: A catchy campaign slogan, A picture or drawing of the actual … Read more

Create a query that lists the subjects and the number of tutoring sessions for each subject.

Part II: Analyzing our Tutoring Data In this part of the lab assignment, you will be answering some questions and running five queries against your tutoring data. To do this, you will be using the tool “PHPMyAdmin.” This tool is a standard tool used to manage MySQL databases and provides you with many different ways … Read more

Evaluate the financials of the company by comparing current ratios to both historical and industry-average ratios.

Overview In your final project, you will assume the role of an accountant and complete the year-end adjustment process for your company using a provided workbook. This workbook is the first deliverable (Part I) of your final project. In Part II, you will analyze the provided financials of the same company and create a report … Read more

What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications? (For the final paper,Q: What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications?

4. “AI” in the job application process The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking” software to filter applications in to filter applications in … Read more