positive behavior support plan of a 4year old

Using the Positive Behavior Support Plan Booklet, complete Parts I, II, & III. You may write directly into the booklet. Make sure you include 6 Functional Analysis Observations. Also, ensure an interview is included. (The interview should give you more insight into the child’s behavior.) Take the raw data you collect on the child’s behavior … Read more

Expand upon what has been written so far and answer the remaining parts “if you agree/disagree and why.” The article is attached as a document.

The assignment is to write an analysis of an article that answers the “summarize what the article is about, how it ties to the subjects you learned in the class, your comments, if you agree/disagree and why.” The first several parts have been completed (attached as well). I need you to expand upon what has … Read more

Replace all the reference with 2020-2024 related studies in Google scholar based Background of the Study Recent studies have indicated a troubling correlation between increased screen time and diminishing sleep quality among college students.

Replace all the reference with 2020-2024 related studies in Google scholar based Background of the Study Recent studies have indicated a troubling correlation between increased screen time and diminishing sleep quality among college students. As technology becomes an integral part of students’ lives, primarily influenced by academic demands and social engagement, the impact of screen … Read more

Cardio respiratory Endurance improvement training program: Running a mile under 8 minutes.

You learned a great deal about your physical fitness in last week’s lab. This week we are going to attempt to train one area of your physical fitness. Remember, body composition is important, but changes in body composition result from training the other parameters (and making dietary changes), so that will be the one component … Read more

Does the ‘Code of Ethics’ require you to respond in disaster situations?

Week 8 Discussion Forum Watch the video and review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics to address the questions below in your discussion post this week. Click to view the presentation. Links to an external site. Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of EthicsDownload American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics Address … Read more

Read Media Intro and Chapters 1-3 In the video we watched this week, “What Is a Worldview?

Read Media Intro and Chapters 1-3 In the video we watched this week, “What Is a Worldview?” and in your assigned reading from our textbook Understanding the Times, the concept of worldview was presented as a lens or a filter through which one understands the world. As we begin our study on this topic, it … Read more

Write a second paragraph detailing your response to the story in light of Myers and Noebel’s text, Understanding the Times.

Spend at least two hours doing an internet search on the word “Marxism.” During that time, read at least 10 articles related to the topic. Pick the five stories that you found most helpful/compelling and use them to create an annotated bibliography. Do not use dictionaries or encyclopedias. For each entry in your bibliography, include … Read more