Practice Recommendation Paper-Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the literature.3. Putting Research into Practice- Skillfully integrates research findings into practice recommendations with a high level of detail and relevance.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in effecting practice change within a healthcare organization. In the realm of modern healthcare as it relates to globalization, technological advances, resistant and novel infectious diseases, and emerging issues in healthcare delivery, the Doctor of Nursing Practice must be able to adapt and overcome challenges in an evidence-based manner while staying true to the scientific underpinnings of nursing practice.Requirements:

Discuss the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in effecting practice change within a healthcare organization. What makes the DNP uniquely equipped to operationalize research findings into practicable change in healthcare (translating research into practice)?

Tip: Delve deeper into the competencies of a DNP, identify specific examples of how DNPs acquire knowledge and experience, and discuss in real-world terms applying research into practice.

Search the literature for evidence-based guidelines for infection control measures and the proper use of personal protective equipment. After reviewing the latest evidence, identify practice gaps in healthcare with regards to infection control and the use of personal protective equipment. Discuss how you, the DNP, may influence an organization to adopt these latest guidelines (in-service, educational lunches, handwashing audits, etc). Use evidence-based methods to implement your practice change. Justify the method of implementation by relating back to supportive literature on how to effect change as a nurse leader in healthcare.The Practice Recommendation Paper is worth 100 points and will be graded using the designated rubric. Grading criteria include quality of content, appropriate citations, use of Standard English grammar, and overall organization and readability.Create your assignment using a Microsoft Word. The document should be saved in a .doc or .docx format.The paper should be 2-3 pages in length excluding title page and reference pages.APA format is required.

The following sections should be included and denoted through APA section headings in the paper:1. Introduction2. Role of DNP in Translating Research Into Practice and Effecting Systems-Level Practice Change3. Evidence Based Guidelines: Search the literature for evidence-based guidelines regarding infection control measures and the proper use of personal protective equipment.4. Putting Into Practice: Discuss how you, the DNP, may influence your current practice to adopt the latest guidelines (in-service, educational lunches, handwashing audits, etc).5. ConclusionPlease follow the rubric1. Discussion of DNP Role- Thorough and insightful discussion of the DNP role in translating research into practice and effecting practice change. Clearly articulates the advanced role of the DNP in healthcare.2. Locating and Utilizing Evidence-Based Guidelines- Exceptional ability to locate and effectively use high-quality, evidence-based guidelines relevant to the topic.

Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the literature.3. Putting Research into Practice- Skillfully integrates research findings into practice recommendations with a high level of detail and relevance.

Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the translation process. Practice recommendations are actionable.4. APA format- Strict adherence to APA style throughout, with accurate citations and references. No more than one to two errors.Please do not plagiarize or use any previous work, AI, Chatgpt or copy and paste directly to a website. My school uses a plagiarism system such as SafeAssign or Turnitin. These programs compare a submitted written work with a database of student papers, articles, periodicals, websites and other academic material, and generate a report that shows how another author’s work may have been used in the paper.

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