Think of historical or recent examples of leaders who adopted one of the five grid positions identified by Blake and McCanse. Which of these leaders was most effective? Why?

1. In what types of situations do you believe each of the leadership communication styles identified in this chapter would be most effective? Least effective?

2.Think of historical or recent examples of leaders who adopted one of the five grid positions identified by Blake and McCanse. Which of these leaders was most effective? Why?

3. Reflect on your past experiences with leadership and try to identify how your view of the most/least desirable leadership communication styles has been affected. What have been the primary influences on your view (home, work, school, other)?

4. Complete the Motivation to Lead Scale assessment on page 79. Explain your results. This includes answering what motivates you to lead? How strong is your motivation to lead? How has your motivation to lead (or lack of motivation) contributed to your performance as a leader?

For this assignment, you have several questions based on the readings for Week 2. Each question requires a short answer response. This means that at minimum it should be one paragraph in length and should not exceed two paragraphs.
Use complete sentences to express your opinions and cite where you are pulling materials from. One source is your textbook. Please ensure that if you are using definitions to support your answers, you are properly citing. Take this opportunity to practice for your upcoming paper.

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