What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth?

Interactive Discussion Board #1

For this discussion board, you are asked to reflect on the two “tribal youth in juvenile justice system” readings to answer the following questions:

What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth?

What are the contributing factors to crime committed by tribal youth?
How have these readings made you think differently (or reaffirmed your beliefs) on how tribal youth living on native land experience the CJ system?
You must post your initial discussion before you can see others replies.
Please provide an initial response (minimum 150 words) & 1 peer response (minimum 50 words). Responses must go beyond “this is great”, “sounds good”, “good job”. Your response should engage meaningfully with the post.
Initial Post = 30 points
Peer Reply = 20 points

Important Note: As this topic may result in differing perspectives, please maintain professionalism in your posts and peer replies. All responses should demonstrate respect for your peers and arguments based on the readings provided. No disrespectful language will be tolerated.
Please note: The use of AI is strictly prohibited for this assignment. Please do not use any AI generators, Grammarly, or other tools to write or rephrase your work. The first instance of AI use and/or plagiarism will result in a 0 on the paper. The second instance of AI use and/or plagiarism will result in a 0 in the course. Escalation to the UNCP honor board will be at my discretion.

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