What does Freire consider to be our most important vocation? In what ways does this impact how we think about the relationship between education, schooling, and society?


Discussion Forum #4: Freire & Schooling the World. Film Documentary and Class Discussion. (10 points).
After reading Chapter 1: Oppression and Oppressors of Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and viewing the film documentary “Schooling the World,” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Be sure to write in complete sentences and edit your responses carefully before

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Discussion Questions:

1. What does Freire consider to be our most important vocation? In what ways does this impact how we think about the relationship between education, schooling, and society?

2. According to Freire, what is the role of “duality” in the life of the oppressed in comparison to the oppressor?

3. How does false generosity and/or humanitarianism continue the oppressive relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed? Is there possibility for this to be broken? If so, how?

4. Freire states on page 45, “But their perception of themselves as oppressed is impaired by their submersion in the reality of oppression.” How is this translated in present day schooling? Is this reality similar in other nations?

5. What does Freire mean by “liberation”? How can we use pedagogy to reach liberation?

6. Consider the current political and educational systems around the world. What role does “power” play? According to Freire, how can oppressed persons and people groups learn about oppression? Further, can these persons and groups become empowered enough to effect change? If so, how?

7. How does the documentary depict the process of cultural assimilation through Western education in different parts of the world? What ethical considerations arise from the impact of Western education on traditional cultures, and how might policymakers and educators address these concerns?

8. How are historical power dynamics reflected in the education structures depicted in the film?

9. What arguments does the documentary make regarding the clash between local knowledge systems and the globalized curriculum promoted by Western education? Are there instances in the film where the value of traditional wisdom is emphasized over standardized educational approaches? If so, what are they?

10. How does the documentary explore the economic impact of Western education on indigenous communities? How are socioeconomic disparities within the communities undergoing Western-style education reforms depicted? What are the perceived benefits and drawbacks?

11. Does the documentary present any alternative educational models that prioritize cultural preservation and community empowerment? Explain. Then, identify at least one specific example presented in the documentary that highlights the challenges of preserving indigenous cultures in the face of modernization and global education trends.

12. Are there instances in the documentary where communities resist the imposition of Western education? How do individuals and communities advocate for educational practices that align with their cultural values?

13. How does the documentary critique global education policies and the standardized approach to schooling advocated by international organizations?

14. After watching the documentary, reflect on your own educational experiences and the broader education system in your home country. Are there parallels or contrasts with the situations depicted in the film? What stood out to you in this documentary?

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