What factors affect the magnitude of the standard error of the difference score? Why is an observed score always represented as the sum of the accurate score and error

Please do not use A.I. or any plagiarism when completing this paper. Thank You. Please answer all questions in numerical order, beginning with 1. Reference: PPT. Slides (Uploaded) • Cohen, R.J., Schneider, W.J., & Tobin, R.M. (2022). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (10th ed.). New York, NY. McGraw Hill, LLC. Company. INSTRUCTIONS: Please Interpret the Student IQ Score for this paper. One student’s measured IQ on an intelligence test is 100. Another student’s measured IQ is 110 on a different intelligence test.

What can one say about the two students and their IQ scores on these intelligence tests?

How can the standard error of the difference determine whether or not a difference exists between the two scores?

What factors affect the magnitude of the standard error of the difference score? Why is an observed score always represented as the sum of the accurate score and error

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