What financial, billing, or reimbursement practices would you support or disagree with, and why?

Narrated PowerPoint Presentation (8-10 slides)
Choose one of the scenarios in episodes 1 through 7. Create a presentation with voiceover in which you examine the effectiveness of advanced practice nursing in the scenario.

TRANSCRIPT OF Episode 3. (you cant access it unfortunately) of Practice and Principle, which is the one be using. wrote about the assignment to assist you: 62 y/o woman recovering from a stroke in need of outpatient occupational therapy but can only afford to stay in the hospital for 3 days according to her insurance. ms.joan takes care of grandchildren by taking them to school and babysitting them for her daughter but will be unable to do it because she needs to recover. she has no use of her right arm and needs to relearn how to prepare food, take showers, etc etc. the er team is in a dillema between giving her an extra couple days to give her family time to decide what to do about joans’ therapy and how to go about it but the ER needs space for critically ill patients. she does not work and only has her pension fund and they are also worried about the hospitals debt. they also have the issue of joans being in the hospital for too long in an understaffed hospital her chances of getting an infection will increase

Introduction (1 slide)

Reflect on the ethics of the workplace (2-3 slides)
What ethics theory was mainly followed: utilitarianism, duty, deontology, egalitarianism, right, and virtues?
What ethical principle (justice, beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy) influenced the practice?
How did the practiced ethics affect the patient’s outcomes?
How would you handle the scenario ethically? Similarly or differently?
Reflect on the financial management (2-3 slides)
How did the finances affect the healthcare decision in the scenario?

What financial, billing, or reimbursement practices would you support or disagree with, and why?
Reflect on the politics and policies (2-3 slides)

Identify a practice you would want to change and describe how you would propose and lead collaborative/interprofessional effort using one of the leadership models to create the desired change.
References (1 slide)- Include 2–3 scholarly resources in APA Style. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations published within the last five years.
*PRO TIP*: Be succinct. Your presentation should be 8-10 slides, each lasting at most 2 minutes.
See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
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