Investigative Paper:
Federalist Papers: Nos. 9, 10, 39, 51
Find an item in a newspaper, periodical, or current academic journal that relates to the assigned readings for Week 3 on The Federalist Papers. Apply the analysis of the week’s reading to the item and explore the themes, ideas, issues, or controversies presented in the article you select against the readings assigned for the module. The content of your investigative paper may overlap with but cannot be the exact same as the topics of your discussion posts.
The focus of your paper is, in part, up to you. Your paper should focus on some aspect of that week’s readings and offer an analysis of some facet of those readings. While the investigative paper is open to discussion and your opinion, you should provide evidence and support for your arguments. Papers should include direct references to the assigned text, but should not be summaries of the weekly readings. Simple summaries of the readings will not receive credit. Additionally, do not use a summary or critical evaluation of the assigned reading. Instead, focus on a particular issue that arises in both the assigned reading and the outside article of your choice. Alternatively, you can use the outside article as an example of or foil to the ideas presented in the assigned reading.
What ideas in the reading were of interest to you or that you see in the world around you? Find an outside article that explores these similar themes (or contrasts with them) and evaluate the assigned reading in light of it.
Your answer should show a thoughtful consideration of the question, demonstrate your understanding of the material, and be supported with evidence from the text (including proper citation). Your writing should be clear and concise. These papers are not to be treated as “book reports.” Avoid long introductions. You should begin by directly addressing the question and/or providing a “road map” for your paper. You should include references and quotes from these authors when necessary to show evidence for your argument. With this in mind, do not over quote or pack your paper with dense quotes. Quotes should not be used without direct connection to or explanation of ideas. They should not introduce or conclude your paper or any given paragraph within your paper.
Minimum word count: 900 words
Please use standard formatting which includes 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Please remember to number the pages of your paper. Support your answer with evidence from the text and include proper citation where appropriate. Use in-text citations and be sure to include a reference list at the end of your paper. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for your citations and references.
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