1. Health of Churches
Text to examine: Horton, Michael. The Gospel Commission: Recovering God’s Strategy for Making Disciples. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 2011.
Book Review (10% total): Students will choose one of the books from this course to write an analytical book review. The book review should be approximately 7 pages. An analytical book review should examine:
An Introduction
A Working Thesis
The primary points of the book
Constructive criticism of both good and bad elements
What the author could/should have explained better/included
Application: how the book applies to the student’s life/ministry (first person) Conclusion/Summary (who would you recommend to read the book, why, etc.).
The student will utilize Turabian 9 formatting. As a book review without additional resources or footnotes, the student may use parenthetical citations with just a page number. An analytical book review does not need a table of contents or bibliography (unless citing other sources). See the Book Review Template and Rubric for writing and grading information.
A book critique is a to-the-point summary/evaluation of the book involved. Each book critique will be a formal paper, 7 pages in length, and double-spaced. This means page 1 of content (the title page, etc. does not count toward the page total). Also, you must write in the third person. The critique will include four sections: the bibliographical entry, author information, content summary, and an evaluation. A definitional template is presented on the next page. It provides an example of the cover page and the page headings. Note the centering of the headings. You will need to fill in the sections as appropriate.
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