What was Garvey’s basic philosophy? What were his views on Africans and blacks in America?

Part One

Make notes on your own on:
Role and Work of NAACP The Crisis
Impact of Migration- From Southern USA; from the Caribbean
The work and influence of Marcus Garvey
Work of Father Divine
The continuing work of women, the “New Negro Women as they were called.
· Carter G. Woodson Claude McKay Chicago Riot
Migration from South Migration from the Caribbean Arthur A Sc homburg Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin Mary B. Talbert Mary Church Terrell Nannie Helen Burroughs
Part Two
Watch the film on Marcus Garvey coupled with your reading of him in the chapter, and then answer the following questions

Questions on Marcus Garvey


What events in his early life in Jamaica made a lasting impact?
How did his trip in the Caribbean influence his views on blacks in general?

State the reason for the formation of his organization. Also note the name, motto and purpose.

What was Garvey’s basic philosophy?
What were his views on Africans and blacks in America?

What was Garvey’s impact on African Americans especially in Harlem? How did he try to improve the black’s condition? State specific things.
Lists and describe 3 incidents and/or people in North America that influenced him.

Explain in some detail the reasons for the decline of Garvey and the movement.

Part Three

Watch Episode 3 of Roots: The Next Generation
Roots Next Generations Episode 3 (1979) – Directed by John Erman

Describe how this film has helped you to understand the many issues that still confronted African American families at the beginning of the twentieth century.

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